The Golden Rule

Do unto others as you would have them

do unto you.

Do Unto Others is a grassroots movement, originally launched by Resurrection, a United Methodist Church in the Kansas City area, to encourage people to be intentional about treating one another with kindness, even those with whom we disagree. A vote for kindness is a step toward overcoming the polarization in our country through civility and respect.

The Golden Rule

Jesus taught that we should treat others as we want them to treat us – including those with whom we disagree. Known as The Golden Rule, a version of this teaching can be found in almost every religion in the world. This universal rule holds the power to bring people together again.

Show Your Support

We're bringing the Do Unto Others campaign to the Zionsville area and we'd love for you to show your support through yard signs, stickers, and t-shirts. All orders will be available for pickup, starting October 6.

We are currently NOT taking any more pre-orders, but we will have a few stickers and yard signs available for purchase starting October 6.

Social Media Graphics

You can also download social media graphics to share and wallpapers for your phone!

Download Graphics

If you have questions or issues, please get in touch with Jon Ellegood, Director of Communications (

Kindness in Worship

Week 1 - October 6

This week, we'll explore the growing polarization in our country, looking at how we often identify with our "tribe" and the distrust we feel toward those outside it. We'll also highlight how kindness can break down barriers and remind us of our shared humanity.

Week 2 - October 13

This week, we'll explore the issue of idolatry—how we often place our hope and trust in a particular candidate or political party. While our intentions may be good, it's easy to get caught up in the pursuit of power, wealth, or influence to achieve our goals. However, Jesus makes it clear—we cannot serve two masters. Our ultimate allegiance should be to God, which should shape how we engage in politics, not the other way around. As Andy Stanley puts it, we need to view politics through the lens of our faith, rather than letting politics shape our faith.

Week 3 - October 20

This week, we'll address the problem of anger and hatred in politics. Political messaging often uses emotionally charged phrases designed to provoke outrage, and many leaders tap into these feelings, encouraging division and hostility. However, we are called to respect one another, which means truly seeing and valuing each other. Bob Dralle will share his reflections on returning from Vietnam, the division and hatred that marked that time, the pain it caused veterans like him, and the impact of finally having his sacrifice recognized many years later.

Week 4 - October 27

This week, we’ll focus on the problem of judgment—how easily we label others, overlooking their full humanity and the complexity of their beliefs and stories. The more we judge, the more we treat people with contempt or suspicion, often assuming the worst, which can end up becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy. Instead, we're called to approach others with humility—literally being "on the ground" with them rather than trying to be "on top." We’ll explore what happens when we serve those we see as enemies instead of judging them.

Week 5 - November 3

This week, we’ll focus on the issues of fear and despair. Politicians often use fear to sway votes, framing every election as the “most important” of our generation and warning of dire consequences if the other side wins. But with only one side winning, half of the country is left in despair. As Christians, we are called not to give in to fear or despair, because our hope rests in something greater than any candidate or party. We're reminded that Christ "holds all things together," and our key witness to others is to remain people of hope and kindness, regardless of election outcomes.

30 Acts of Kindness

We challenge you to complete at least one act of kindness each day for the next 30 days. We’ve gotten you started with our list of small ways you can positively impact those around you. Feel free to be creative and come up with your own acts of kindness! Kindness is a ripple effect — encourage others to join the challenge by sharing your acts on social media!

Download 30 Acts of Kindness PDF