Denomination Updates

On July 29th, 2024 in accordance with the freedom and responsibility given to us by the General Conference of the United Methodist Church, our Administrative Council reached the following decisions:

  1. As a congregation, we affirm and support the marriage between two consulting adults, regardless of their gender. Moving forward, same-sex marriages can be performed by our pastors and on our church property.

  2. As a congregation, we affirm that God calls and equips people for ministry, regardless of gender or sexual orientation. Moving forward, we are open to receiving an appointed pastor who is living in a same-sex marriage.

The full statement of our Administrative Council Chair, as well as the results from an all-church survey on the issue, can be found here.


We recognize that, as a church, we are not of one mind on this issue. Christians of good faith and good heart can read the same Scriptures and come to different conclusions. All are welcome to worship at our church. Our common commitments are the following:

  1. We agree that there is room for disagreement, around this as well as many other divisive topics in our world.

  2. We will not allow our disagreement to turn us into enemies. We strive to treat one another with love and honor.

  3. We welcome all who enter our church, regardless of what position they hold or whose hand they are holding.

  4. We will keep Christ at the center of all we do, focusing on the Great Commandment to love God will all our heart, soul, mind, and strength, and to love our neighbors as ourselves.


Over the past five years, our church has conducted numerous studies to allow people to explore this topic from multiple perspectives. Below are a handful of resources that we hope will be helpful in your journey: