Serving Locally
Serving others regularly is a great way to put your faith into practice in ways that benefit others. Please take some time to explore the service opportunities below. All of these organizations are local ministry partners ZUMC continues to cultivate relationships with and values the work and communities the organizations serve.
The ministry committee meets on the third Thursday of every month. For more information, please contact committee chair, Anne Curry by email,
Angel Tree
Angel Tree Christmas™ equips churches and other organizations to restore and strengthen relationships between incarcerated parents and their children and families. Every Christmas, Angel Tree mobilizes local churches and organizations to minister to hundreds of thousands of children by delivering a gift, the Gospel message, and a personal message of love on behalf of their mom or dad behind bars. ZUMC partners with Angel Tree to minister and provide gifts to the children of prisoners and their families. Two gifts are purchased for each child by church volunteers and delivered to the homes in December. Angel Tree has been a successful ministry at ZUMC since 2001. Contact: Cindy Dralle –
Blanket Ministry
This group gathers to sew, quilt, or crochet blanket items which are prayed over and given to baptized children or persons who are ill or hurting. For more information, please contact Sharon Petersen,
Coburn Place
Offers compassionate support and safe housing choices for survivors of domestic violence and their children. We specialize in fresh starts – letting survivors lead the way in creating their own paths forward. ZUMC hosts an Easter Party every year for residents of Coburn Place as well as supporting their Well-Being Services trauma-informed and survivor-led, with a focus on healing and independence.
Family Promise
Family Promise of Greater Indianapolis is a partnership of congregations and community organizations responding to the crisis of children and their families who are homeless. Family Promise works to eliminate homelessness in Greater Indianapolis. ZUMC partners by furnishing apartments, mentoring families, and providing meals. Contact: Jo Flinn 317-902-3189 or
Family Promise is currently renting 24 apartments as transitional housing for families with children in need. ZUMC has agreed to furnish one of these Family Promise Apartment Shelters with household items. Please click here for more information and to donate items.
Night Without a Bed- This is Family Promise of Greater Indianapolis’ primary fundraising campaign that supports their Apartment Shelter model - where they temporarily host families for up to 90 days while they work with a Case Manager to overcome the barriers that led them to become homeless. For more information and to participate click here
Fletcher Place
The Fletcher Place Community Center exists to break the cycle of poverty in Southeast Indianapolis through hope, compassion, and renewal. They compassionately provide programs to ease the burden of low to moderate-income individuals who struggle with life's basic needs. ZUMC provides a breakfast once a month (2nd Tuesday), items for the free thrift store, and support to the preschool with donations for the Thanksgiving and Christmas programs. Contact: Ron Holtz - 317-370-1823 or
Habitat for Humanity
Habitat for Humanity of Boone County believes that every person and family deserves a simple, decent, and affordable place to live in safety and dignity. ZUMC partners with Boone County Habitat for Humanity in the spring for a weeklong Habitat Faith Build and in the fall for the Women’s Build to provide a home for a Boone County family.
Indiana United Methodist Children's Home
Indiana United Methodist Children’s Home provides residential treatment for youth who have been abused or neglected. Counseling, education, religious education, group living, and recreation form the residential treatment program. Youth between the ages of 14-19, with emotional and behavioral challenges, benefit from the open campus, onsite psychotherapy, certified teachers, tutoring, spiritual support, and so much more. Contact: Jo Flinn 317-902-3189 or
Isaiah 117 House
Isaiah 117 House, a nationwide nonprofit organization with a home in Boone County, provides a comforting home for children awaiting foster care placement. This wait can be a few hours to several days. Many times, the children have nothing with them, are scared, lonely, hungry, and in dirty clothing. The Isaiah 117 House provides a place that is safe with friendly and loving volunteers who provide clean clothes, smiles, toys, and snuggly blankets. Children receive the comfort and care they need while child welfare staff can do the necessary paperwork and identify a good placement. Contact: Audra Plopper – 317-332-0892 or
Kid's Kloset
Kid's Kloset, a ZUMC Gap Ministry that partners with Love Inc. to offer the children of Boone County clothing needed for all types of weather and situations. We accept donations of clean, gently used, or new children's clothing. Donations can be left in the bins inside Door 2 or Door 12 at ZUMC. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Susan Bloom (
LOVE INC (Love In the Name of Christ)
Love In the Name of Christ of Boone County is a unique network of churches and agencies that respond to the needs of ordinary people who need HOPE in the midst of a difficult time in life. The mission is to mobilize the church to transform lives and communities In the Name of Christ. Contact: Desiree Woodruff (
Coldest Night of the Year hosted by Love Inc of Boone County February 22, 2025.
The Coldest Night of the Year is a family-friendly fundraising walk in support of people experiencing hurt, hunger, and homelessness. Join us on February 22, 2025 - team up, fundraise, and walk with us! For more information contact Desiree Woodruff,
Military Ministry
Military Ministry prays for and sends care packages to our Zionsville UMC active duty members and loved ones at Easter and Thanksgiving/Christmas. We also acknowledge and thank our veterans with letters on July Fourth and Veterans Day. Please contact Claire Fisher at 317-443-3140 or if interested in helping with this ministry.
Servants at Work (SAWs)
SAWS (Servants at Work) is a faith-based nonprofit organization dedicated to providing freedom to people with permanent disabilities in low-income households through the construction of wooden wheelchair ramps. These ramps serve as their gateway to the world, reopening connections with neighbors and the larger community while providing independence and accessibility. Contact: Bob Richmond at for more information.
You Feed Them Mission Food Pantry at Barnes UMC
You Feed Them Missional Food Pantry, Inc. exists to carry out Jesus' command to serve spiritual and physical food to all those that hunger and thirst. To commit to responding to the needs of the community through food distribution, discipleship, prayer, education, and community resource sharing. Other initiatives include: 1) the Youth Savings Initiative 2) The Back-to-School Community Resource Day Initiative providing children with backpacks, supplies, and a new pair of shoes; also to showcase local resource providers. 3) The Christmas Overflow Initiative provides emergent gifts and food for children of parents that miss deadline dates of other agency registrations or do not qualify for their registration requirements. Contact: Tina Shipe –; 317.850.1544 or Mike Shipe-; 317.709-6829