Children’s Ministry

Together, with families, we want to lead children and students to know, love, and serve Jesus by creating a safe space where all are known, where children and students find purpose and can create friendships. Through our weekend ministry, kids will explore, discover, and experience God’s story. We hope that your child is lifted through love and filled with faith and wonder.  

With these priorities, we want to earn your family’s trust, empower parents as spiritual leaders, create environments where everyone can gather for worship, find family resources, be active participants, and engage with our surrounding communities. We know our church extends beyond our doorstep.    

Children’s Ministry at Zionsville UMC (3 years old - 5th grade) meets regularly on Sunday mornings during both worship services (9:30am & 11:00am)

If you have questions or would like more information, you can connect with Tracy Vermillion (, Director of Children’s Ministry.

What does a typical Sunday look like?

Children in second through fifth grade will spend the first 20-25 minutes in worship (together with their family and friends) and then will be dismissed to spend the remaining 35-40 with their peers in classrooms. In this way, we will help all ages of our church (young and old) experience "the body of Christ" together in worship each week.

We believe it is important for children and youth to form friendships with their peers, as well as to be able to hear and process the Bible story in an environment appropriate to their age level. Children & youth will also experience committed “Sunday School teachers” who invest in them personally and relationally. We want every child to feel known, seen, and loved by our church.

You can read through more FAQs about what to expect on Sunday mornings, here: What to Expect on Sunday Mornings

Childcare (0-2 year olds)

If you have younger children who are not yet old enough for one of the Sunday morning classes, we have several options for you.

  • Bring Them With You Into the Sanctuary Your children are always welcome to join us in the main sanctuary. We have activity bags you can pick up from an usher and you can definitely bring snacks from home if you find those helpful.

  • Childcare We have childcare spaces set up for our families in the classrooms down the children's ministry hallway. You'll find a nursery space for infants-2 available in Room 10 and across the hall you'll find the 2-year-olds playing away! Our volunteers, including childcare leaders, must submit to a background check and attend mandatory child protection policy training. For your child's safety, our volunteers never serve alone.

  • Parent Resource Space If you find your child has a little too much energy for the sanctuary or is talking a little louder than you'd like, you can watch the service from our parent resource space. This space has puzzles, books, and some toys for your child and for parents, comfy couches and chairs as well as a large TV to livestream the service. You'll find this space off the lobby behind the welcome center.

  • Nursing Mothers If you are a nursing mother we have space set aside for you while you're here on a Sunday morning. As you exit the sanctuary, turn left and you'll a room with several rocking chairs, plus chairs, and a couch for your convenience and comfort. We also have a TV in this space so that you livestream the service.

Route 45 (4th & 5th Graders)

Sunday Mornings

Route 45 meets Sunday Mornings at 9:30 in Room C113 from Labor Day to Memorial Day. Join Andrew and the crew to dive into the Bible, have conversations, play games, and build friendships. After checking in, please start the service in the sanctuary with your family, and then come to your room once all children and youth are released from the service.

Beyond Sunday Mornings

Each month Route 45 (4th and 5th Grade Kids) meets on a Sunday afternoon from 2:00 - 3:00pm for planned activities that are a blast and help build friendships. Activities can range from a huge game of hide-n-seek around the entire church to water balloon competitions in the summer or a retreat where kids dive into God’s word and do a service project. Our next activities are Sunday, January 26 for Winter Science Experiments. And February 23 for Lego Building!  Save the Date - Saturday, March 15 for our Treasure Quest Retreat from 10:00 - 2:00 PM. 

Wonder Ink

Faith begins with wonder. Ink is God’s truth inked upon our hearts. Wonder Ink sparks curiosity and wonder as it takes kids on a journey of faith formation. Each year, kids will dive into the Bible with Old and New Testament stories that all connect to God’s Big Story. Rooted in Biblical truth, the lessons are enriched with four core values:

  • God Knows Me

  • Jesus Loves Me

  • The Holy Spirit Leads Me

  • I Am a Child of God

Learn more about Wonder Ink and how you can continue learning at home by accessing the Wonder@Home Portal.

Winter Carnival

Winter Carnival is free and open to everyone in the community! The annual winter carnival is on February 1 from 5:00-7:00pm. Bounce Houses, Face Painting, Balloon Animals, Carnival Games, Carnival Food (Hot dogs, cotton candy, snow cones, popcorn), and our famous cake walk. 

We also need your help from setup to tear down and in between. There are plenty of ways that you can serve.

  • Donate Something! Find donation boards by door #2 and the sanctuary. Grabbing a ticket from the donation board is easy, write your name on the top ticket, and place it in the basket. Please take the other ticket with you and purchase what is on the ticket. Return items purchased by the date on the ticket. Please attach the ticket to the items donated. and drop by the office. Monetary donations can be made online or at the office. For online donations, follow the link below and choose Winter Carnival from the pulldown menu. It's just that simple. Carnival Donations

  • Help with Food! Sign up to bake for our cakewalk or serve food (Hot dogs, chips, soda, cotton candy, snow cones, and popcorn)   

  • Run one of our many fun games! High School Students (wear your ZYouth t-shirts) and adults will run games. We are happy to have middle school students assist at each station.

Register Here to Volunteer on this Wonderful Community Night!

Photography Announcement

Periodically, we will have a photographer take pictures of our ZUMKidz Sunday experience and events. We capture these experiences to share through our website, printed material and social media. If you prefer not to have your child photographed for this purpose, please contact Tracy Vermillion (

Parent Resources

Topics include:

  • Faith conversations

  • Emotional conversations

Click here to access our Parent Resources page.

Parent Newsletter

Would you like to receive our weekly, parent newsletter via email? The newsletter is the best way to stay up-to-date on all things children’s ministry at Zionsville UMC.

Click here to send an email to Tracy Vermillion, Director of Children's Ministry.