The Summer of Service
July 2 - 30
Join us throughout the month of July as we explore the lives of different servants from the Bible. In this inspiring series, we will uncover the essence of servanthood and discover practical ways to apply their teachings to our lives today. Throughout this series, we will be challenged to embody the heart of service in our daily lives. From supporting leaders to promoting others, caring for the vulnerable, encouraging those around us, and giving without expectation, we will discover the transformative power of serving with humility, love, and compassion.
Aaron (& Hur): The Supporter (Exodus 17)
Aaron was not “the man.” Aaron’s job was to support his brother. This role was most vividly depicted when the Israelites fought against the Amalekites. As long as Moses help up his arms, the battle went the right way. But Moses grew weary, and required someone on each arm (Aaron & Moses’ friend, Hur). Sometimes, the way we serve is by lifting up those who are engaged in the work of leadership. This might be by praying and supporting our leaders (by thanking or encouraging them). Or it may not be a leader, but someone unseen who is doing good work in the world.
John the Baptist: The Promoter (Mark 1:1-8; John 3:30)
From the beginning, John the Baptist understood his role—to “prepare the way” for the Messiah. He was a fiery preacher, with a timely message for those who were disillusioned by the materialism of Roman society. He was austere (no trappings of comfort or fame), and he had an austere message (repent, and bear fruits of repentance). But he consistently pointed to the coming of the Messiah (“I baptize with water, he will baptize with fire.”) And when he saw Jesus, he said to his disciples: “Behold the lamb of God… He must increase, and I must decrease.” There is a natural bent in all of us to seek our own glory. But the heart of service is giving glory to others.
Ruth: The Care-Giver (Ruth 2)
Life was hard for Naomi and for her two daughters-in-law, Orpah and Ruth. In the space of one year, all three lost their husbands, and none of them had sons. Because women could not own property in that time, the future was bleak. Naomi knows that her daughters-in-law are still young and attractive, they can return to their families and remarry. She releases both of them from their obligation, and plans to journey alone back to her homeland. Ruth, though, will not take her up on the offer—she insists on staying with Naomi, even though it means an uncertain future. Ruth epitomizes the role of the care-giver, the person who honors their commitment to care for a loved one, no matter the cost. One of the greatest ways we can serve is to be loyal to those who need us. And as a church, we are called to honor and care for those who are caring for others.
Barnabas: The Encourager (Acts 4:36-37; Acts 13-15)
Joseph was his name. That is not how we know him now, but that was the name given to him by his parents. Barnabas is the name given to him by the apostles. It means “son of encouragement.” Barnabas is someone who constantly built up others around him. It starts at the very beginning, when Barnabas sold a field to support the ministry of the fledgling church. It continues in his many journeys with Paul, where he encouraged and supported the church throughout Asia Minor. He participated in the Jerusalem Council as an advocate for the Gentile church. (In fact, he may have even been the lead, as his connections to Jerusalem were stronger than Paul’s). And even when he and Paul part ways, it is because Barnabas wants to include John Mark, while Paul is ready to write him off because John Mark deserted them in a prior journey. We don’t know what happened with Barnabas after that, but we know what happened with John Mark. He was eventually reconciled to Paul (2 Timothy & Colossians 4:11), and went on to write the first Gospel. All because someone saw something in him, and would not let that gift die. In the same way, we can serve by encouraging and building one another up (Eph 4:29).
The “Anointer” at Bethany: The Giver (Matthew 26)
During the crazy events of Holy Week, after a week of confrontation and teaching at the temple, but prior to Jesus’ betrayal, arrest, and crucifixion, there is a touching moment that happens. An unknown woman comes to Jesus and breaks open an alabaster jar of pure nard, a very costly gift. She pours the oil on Jesus’ feet, and wipes them with her hair. It is an act of sheer, extravagant love. So extravagant, in fact, that the disciples’ complain about the cost—they are sure that greater service could have been rendered by selling the gift and distributing to the poor. But Jesus defends the woman, explaining that she has done something beautiful for him. She has prepared him for burial—to face all that is ahead. One of the most powerful ways we can serve is by giving. Especially when that gift comes with no strings attached, when it is pure blessing to the one who receives.